EHB 262E

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Electronics II, Fall 2012.



  • The fourth homework has been posted that is due before the final exam.
  • The third homework has been posted that is due 20/12/2012 (before the lecture).
  • There are two additional office hours for the midterm. One is on 26/11/2012 between 3:30-4:30, and the other is on 28/11/2012 between 10:30-12:30.
  • The second homework has been posted that is due 29/11/2012 (before the lecture).
  • Homeworks are due at the beginning of class. Late homeworks will be downgraded by 10% for each day passed the due date.
  • The first homework has been posted that is due 01/11/2012 (before the lecture).
  • PSpice student version might have problems under Windows 7/Vista. Alternatively, you can use LTspice.
  • As a simulation tool, Spice is used for all homeworks. Start learning it!



Thursdays 13:30 - 16:30, EEF 1301.


Mustafa Altun

  • Email:
  • Tel: 02122856635
  • Office hours: 16:30 – 17:30 on Thursdays in Room:3005, EEF. (or stop by my office any time).


Sedra, A. S., Smith, K.C., Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press 5th edition, 2004.


  • Quiz: 10%
    • 2 quizzes (5% each)
  • Homework: 20%
    • 4 homeworks (5% each)
  • Midterm Exam: 30% (during the lecture time on 29/11/2012)
  • Final Exam: 40%


  • Homeworks are due at the beginning of class. Late homeworks will be downgraded by 10% for each day passed the due date.
  • Exams and quizzes are in closed-notes and closed-books format.
  • To not receive VF, you should have at least 20 (out of 100) in the midterm.

Weekly Course Plan

Date Topic
Week 1, 17/9/2012 No class
Week 2, 4/10/2012 No class
Week 3, 11/10/2012 Introduction.
Weeks 4, 18/10/2012 DC & AC analyses and amplifiers
Weeks 6, 1/11/2012 Small signal models for transistors and amplifiers
Week 7, 8/11/2012 AC analysis of amplifiers
Weeks 8, 15/11/2012 Analysis of cascade amplifiers and Darlington transistors
Week 9, 22/11/2012 Differential amplifiers
Week 10, 29/11/2012 MIDTERM
Weeks 11, 06/12/2012 Current sources and active circuits
Week 12, 13/12/2012 Operational amplifiers (OP) and their circuit structures
Week 13, 20/12/2012 Linear and non-linear applications of OPs
Weeks 14, 27/12/2012 Power amplifiers

Homeworks, Quizzes, and Exams

Homeworks Quizzes Exams
Homework 1 Quiz 1 Midterm
Homework 2 Quiz 2 Final
Homework 3
Homework 4
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